5 Reasons Why We Love The Helite Airbag Safety Vest

5 Reasons Why We Love The Helite Airbag Safety Vest

Helite Airbag Safety Vest

5 Reasons Why We Love The Helite Airbag Safety Vest

There are several equestrian safety vest options for horse riders today. Equestrian safety vests have been widely used for over thirty years in certain equestrian disciplines. But the jump of the airbag safety vest from the motorcycle industry to equestrian sports has changed everything.

Today, equestrian riders have the option of using several high-quality airbag safety vests that have been adapted for horse riders. These inflatable safety vests have benefits beyond your standard rigid protector vests.

We’ve looked at several airbag safety vests and have found the Helite Airbag Safety Vest to be our favorite choice.  Helite has two safety vests – the first generation, which is the Helite Zip’N 1. And the second generation of safety vests called the Helite Zip’N 2

Our Favorite Airbag Safety Vest is the Helite Zip’N 2 or 2nd Generation Helite Equestrian Airbag Vest.

Below are the reasons why we think you will love this Helite Airbag Safety Vest.


The Helite Airbag Safety Vest Offers Outstanding Body Protection

Unlike rigid body protectors, the Helite airbag technology allows for expanded and more effective protection around critical areas of the torso.

This includes expanded protection around the neck, spine, thorax, and sacrum. The Helite safety vest’s ability to discharge within milliseconds can make all the difference in an untimely fall.

After years of protecting motorcyclists in high-speed highway accidents, they have been able to create an inflatable protective vest that is durable, effective, and reusable.

Also, the Helite safety vest protects the neck area and upper hips. The additional protection over the traditional non-inflatable vest is stark. However, there are some equestrian disciplines where the use of both is mandatory and smart.


The Helite Airbag Safety Vest Offers Comfort

5 Reasons Why We Love The Helite Airbag Safety VestThe Helite safety vest (Helite Zip’N 2) offers high comfort and security. The cut of the vest allows for maximizing mobility without compromising on safety.

The material used allows for the vest to be extremely durable. In addition, the materials allow for stretchability and breathability.

The special mesh material allows for greater circulation of air and body heat to disperse. And yet, the mesh is extremely durable and able to withstand impact.

The material cut around the arms and shoulders also gives the horse rider greater mobility.  This airbag safety vest mobility allows you to compete or ride in a manner that you feel comfortable with.


The Helite Airbag Safety Vest Has a Beautiful Design

The Helite Zip’N 2 is designed beautifully. Not only does it offer outstanding comfort and additional protection, but it looks good too. Its sleek low-footprint design can go well with any garment. Additionally, it can be zipped into an approved show coat or jacket.

Please note: Do not wear show coats or jackets without prior approval. Helite creates its own approved coats and also fits well with Dada Sport coats. The design that fits over or under approved jackets affirms its unique design that is hard to find anywhere else.


The Helite Airbag Safety Vest is Versatile

What makes Helite Zip’N2 is its versatility. It doesn’t matter which event you are competing in – or whether you are trailing riding or casually taking a stroll with your horse. The Helite safety vest can do its job in most settings – The company states that it aims to protect the rider from a catastrophic injury that may arise due to a fall.

The airbag safety vest can be worn as a stand-alone vest (and look great as-is). You can simply zip it up, attach it correctly to the horse, and you are good to go!

As mentioned, you can put the safety vest on above your shirt or top. Or you may zip into an approved show coat. This allows for minimal style changes without compromising safety.


Equestrian Safety Vest Reviews

Helite is highly recommended by trainers and riders from Europe, Canada, Australia, and the United States. Thousands of horse riders use Helite’s safety vests to protect themselves from injury while riding horses.

Our customers regularly describe the pleasure and decision to invest in the Helite Zip’N2 Airbag Safety Vest. We hear positive stories and reviews regularly from our customers.

This is one recent Helite Zip’N2 review from our shopping cart:

“I wanted to buy something for my daughter who rides regularly. Her friend had a bad fall, and I did not want something like that to happen. I met Alex at a recent show in California and discussed my options. He took his time and fitted my daughter with the right size equestrian safety vest. The Helite Vest is amazing. It is form-fitting and breathable. While any injury can happen, I feel better that I am doing everything I can to protect my daughter from a bad fall. ++ Highly Recommend! Thank you, Alex!”

Our customers have reviewed continuously and rated the Helite Zip’N2 as the right choice for them.


Equestrian Airbag Jackets and Show Coats

5 Reasons Why We Love The Helite Airbag Safety VestAirbag Safety Vests like the Helite Safety Vest usually go over shirts, jackets, or outer garments. However, they can also go under certain jackets and show coats if made from the right material and approved.

They are zipped into jackets that are specifically made for the Helite Airbag Safety Vest.

While Helite manufactures its own show coat jackets, we recommend specific Dada Sport show coats that Helite approves. Please contact us for more information regarding the particular show coat for safety vests. This could impede proper function. Again, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you need information about show coats or jackets that would work in conjunction with the Helite Safety Vests.

For more information on the Helite Equestrian Safety Vests visit our Shop page.  To learn more about Solea Equestrian visit our about page.



All information is for educational purposes only. The opinions, perspective, and thoughts of the author and/or the publisher of the website is for informational use only. Information is sourced from the manufacturer. Always make sure your vest fits appropriately. Only use approved outerwear when using an inflatable safety vest. Always inspect the safety vest before and after use. Never use gas cartridges that shows signs of damage or corrosion.